Teachers with improved skills to work and unteract with children from vulnerable groups
Twenty-one teachers from Lilia kindergarten, Kiril Nektariev primary school and Nayden Gerov secondary school passed a special training in September on how to work with children from Roma community and other vulnerable groups. The educational mediator who was employed under the ZOV Programme to work with the vulnerable groups and teachers in Stolipinovo also participated in the training.
The seminar speakers were experts from the Plovdiv 2019 foundation, Equilibrium (Ravnovesie) Association and the Children Architecture Workshop organization; all of the speakers had a previous proven experience in the field of multicultural education.
During the seminar a number of good practices from the work of Plovdiv 2019 foundation with young people in Plovdiv’s Roma neighborhood were introduced. Another topic was the presentation of successful global approaches for working in a multicultural environment that could implemented in Bulgaria as well. According to the experts from Plovdiv 2019 foundation, a successful approach to the integration of Roma children and youth is their involvement in various stage performances such as participation in concerts, festivals and theatrical performances. The teachers who participated in the training had the opportunity to present to the audience good practices from their own everyday work with the Roma children.
During the practical segment of the two-day seminar the presenters from the Children Architecture Workshop introduced various games and plays helping to develop critical thinking and interaction with the environment.