Region Shumen

The project of Shumen Municipality for social inclusion of Roma and other vulnerable groups “Interaction with the community – a factor for a better future and successful integration” is focused on three neighbourhoods located within the town of Shumen: Mlada Gvardia, Everest and Vitosha, as well as on the nearby village Ivanski, all of which have compact Roma population. The project activities put special highlight on Education and Healthcare, both being major issues for the integration of Roma and other vulnerable groups.

According to official data from the census of 2011, the District of Shumen has 180 528 residents of whom the Roma ethnic group is the third largest, preceded by the Bulgarian and Turk residents – 13 847 individuals self-define themselves as Roma.

4042 residents of the Municipality of Shumen self-define themselves as Roma while in village Ivanski Roma account for 1/4th of all 1500 residents. According to informal data however, their number is larger.

The issues of the Roma community are serious and are aggravated with the passage of time. Unemployment rate is high and many young families seek breadwinning opportunities abroad. According to analyses of the educational institutions within the municipality, many young Roma show disinterest in education and do not start school at all. Many of those who go to school do not speak Bulgarian well, are often absent from class, have learning difficulties and gradually drop out from school. The problem is that the parents, the majority of whom are illiterate, do not stimulate and motivate their children to attend school. With the passage of time, the social realization and employment opportunities of these children are diminished.

In both the town of Shumen and village Ivanski, a number of preschool-age children do not attend the mandatory preschool classes. There are younger children, too, who do not go to kindergarten. At a later stage, such children enter the first school grade unprepared for learning activities. Part of the problem is related to the insufficient capacity of kindergartens. Our project schedules refurbishment of the premises in Kindergarten “Proletna Daga” that will provide space and facilities for the formation of another group of 18 children from the nearby neighbourhoods.

Refurbishment is scheduled for Primary School “Hristo Botev” in village Ivanksi, too, where 156 pupils, mainly Roma, are being educated in the school grades from first to eighth. About 50% of those pupils do not have adequate command of the Bulgarian language and obtain low grades for their studying efforts while 25% do not attend classes regularly. The two buildings where the school is deployed have outdoor toilets. The school has no room for parents’ meetings or for the holding of culture events and organizing of celebrations. The school does not have a medical office and medical service.

Our main task, however, will be to attract and retain more children in the kindergarten and in school. With a total of 331 children and pupils the ZOV Programme will implement the scheduled activities through the three-year period of the project and we’ll try to reach out to more people in the community through our educational mediators. We’ll use new formats such as “summer schools,” “closing-of-learning-gaps schools,” “weekend schools” and extracurricular classes.

The work with the parents is a major aspect of our work. Our objective is to work with at least 200 parents in the “School for Parents” initiative.

Over 60% of the Roma living in the District of Shumen are not health insured and this is a problem for their medical treatment and preventive care. This situation results from the low health awareness of those people, which is explained by their poverty and lack of education. The project will work in this direction and we’ll improve the potential for healthcare services. A two-storey building in village Ivanski is scheduled for refurbishment. Currently is hosts a single general-practitioner’s office because the other premises within the building are unsuitable for use. When the building is refurbished, a larger number of young mothers and pregnant women will be able to see the doctor for medical examinations and immunizations for their children. This activity will be supported with the work of the two operative health mediators. Another health mediator will be appointed for the village.

For the integration of Roma in the community we plan a series of culture events such as drama plays, concerts and sports contests, which are addressed to the Roma community itself and to the remaining part of the residents.

The project started in October 2016 and is expected to close in April 2019. Its total value is 723 656 BGN, of which the Swiss co-funding amounts at 533 682 BGN.

The University of Shumen “Konstantin Preslavski,” Kindergarten “Proletna Daga” and Primary School “Hristo Botev” in Ivanski will be partners to the local government in this project together with Diagnostic and Consulting Centre No. 1 and the Family Consultancy Centre in Shumen.

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Preschool education

Organizing of facilities for the formation of another group for children from 3 to 6 years old in Kindergarten “Proletna Daga.” The schedule includes construction and arrangement of activities room, a hallway space in front of the dormitory, dormitory, sanitary facility – washroom and toilets, locker room for the children, food dispensing office, corridors – large and small, walk-in wardrobe with storage space for items to be used for activities by interests, parents’ room on the second floor, medical office on the second floor, staircase to the main entrance, construction of sports playground, as well as widening, insulation and replacement of entrance doors, fitting of PVC window frames, new flooring, water and sewage amenities, repair of children’s and adults’ toilets and refreshment of wall paint in the branch facilities of the kindergarten – of total value 117 631 BGN.

  •     Repair of the kindergarten’s branch facility and its adjoining areas in Everest neighbourhood; this activity is intended to create better environment for the children’s learning activities and playground space.
  •     Classes for children who do not speak Bulgarian plus joint extracurricular activities for children, parents and teachers – “summer and weekend schools.”
  •     Training for teachers and parents.
  •     Campaigns and field work through health mediators, teacher assistants, mentors and volunteers from the Roma community aimed at better coverage of children in preschool and for the supporting of parents towards better care for their children.

Elementary education

  •     Refurbishment of Primary School “Hristo Botev” in village Ivanski and improvement of the additional structure to the main building. Construction of an additional building with sanitary units and medical office to the main school building.
  •     Classes with children from 7 to 10 years old to improve their command of Bulgarian language and for better learning results on the main school subjects.
  •     Training of teachers for the applying of the principles of intercultural education as a factor for the building of stimulating learning environment in school.
  •     “School for parents” intended to motivate the parents for more active participation in the educational process of their children.
  •     “Weekend schools” for development and demonstration of the creative potential of children, parents and teachers.

            Secondary education

  •    Consultancies with parents whose children are in risk of dropping out from school, to be conducted in the three Shumen neighbourhoods: Mlada Gvardia, Everest and Vitosha, and also in village Ivanski.



  •    Refurbishment and repair of the healthcare facility in village Ivanski;
  •     Free preventive examinations for children, women and young families who do not have health insurances – a total of 300 women and 150 children aged from 0 to 7 years old in Shumen and village Ivanski;
  •     One health mediator for village Ivanski will receive training;
  •     Identifying of children without immunizations and encouraging their parents to provide for the immunization of their children in Shumen neighbourhoods Mlada Gvardia, Everest and Vitosha, and in village Ivanski;
  •     Awareness raising campaigns among Roma parents for health prevention and healthcare – 15 campaigns in Shumen and in village Ivanski.
  •     Free gynaecological examinations for women without health insurances in Shumen and in village Ivanski – a minimum of 200 women will be covered by the campaign;
  •     Consultancies and providing of information for women in reproductive age in Shumen and village Ivanski – a minimum 200 consultancies will be delivered;
  •     Preventive medical examinations for women, young mothers and children, and pregnant women.
  •     Providing of free contraceptives for the persons in need in Shumen neighbourhoods Mlada Gvardia, Everest and Vitosha, and in village Ivanski.
  •     Health trainings for young people and parents in the three Shumen neighbourhoods and in village Ivanski.

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Започват ремонти в района ни в Шумен


Вече е избран изпълнител на ремонт в Детска градина „Пролетна дъга” и нейния филиал в Шумен. Ще бъдат ремонтирани и обновени помещенията в градината, което ще даде възможност да бъде сформирана нова детска група за 20 деца от близките квартали. Освен това се извършва и ремонт на площадките за игра в основната сграда на градината. Междувременно местният екип работи по идентифициране и записване на деца за новата група в градината.

Ремонти се планират и в Основно училище „Хр.Ботев” в с. Ивански, където от първи до осми клас учат близо 150 ученици, предимно от ромски произход. И в двете сгради на училището се ползват външни тоалетни, няма зала за провеждане на родителски срещи, културни събития и празници. Училището няма медицински кабинет и медицинско обслужване. Всички тези услуги ще бъдат осигурени в почти ремонтирания вече образователен център към училището.

Предстои да бъде избран изпълнител за Медицинския център в с. Ивански, където ще бъде направен ремонт на старата сграда.

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Учене не само в клас през учебната година


Летни и наваксващи училища са форми, които Програма ЗОВ използва още от старта на проекта в Шумен, за да бъдат повишени знанията на децата.

„Лятно училище” бе организирано през първата половина на 2017 за 30 деца (4-6 години) от Детска градина „Пролетна дъга“ в 30 деца на същата възраст Шумен, като бе направен и предварителен подбор кои имат най-голяма нужда от подобряване на знанията по български език, както и от социални умения. Използват се  иновативни методи и специализирани дидактически пособия, за да могат децата да обогатят речниковия си запас на децата, да се изразяват по-добре в конкретни житейски и учебни ситуации. Заниманията в „лятно училище“ ще продължат и през следващата година.

През 2017 година 72 деца на възраст между 7 и 10 години в Основно училище „Хр. Ботев“, с. Ивански започнаха занимания в две групи в „наваксващи училища“, за да подобрят знанията си по български език и математика. Заради различното ниво на учениците заниманията на групите са с различно темпо, а в по-голяма част от времето учителите работят с децата индивидуално.

Контролните в края на учебната година показаха добри резултати в националното външно оценяване, добри са постиженията на децата по четене и математика. Организирани бяха интересни състезателни игри по български език и математика между ученици от групите по проекта и други ученици от училището.

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И родителите продължават да учат заедно с децата


По Програма ЗОВ в Шумен активно работим с общо 127 родители от Шумен и с. Ивански. Те отново влизат в класната стая, за да научат как да стимулират децата си да посещават редовно заниманията в детската градина и в училище.  

„Училище за родители“, което действа в района ни в Шумен от началото на 2017, се доказа като успешна форма за работа с родителите. В лекции и свободни дискусии те получават информация по различни теми, свързани с децата им - образование, здраве, култура, възпитание, права и отговорности. Обучението се води от добре подготвени педагози и медицински специалисти от ДГ „Пролетна дъга“ – Шумен и  ОУ „Хр. Ботев“ – с. Ивански. Ето част от темите на “уроците“:  « Култура на етносите от Шуменския край”; „Съвременното   семейство като възпитателна среда”; „Взаимоотношенията в обществото и етническата толерантност”; „За правата, свободите и отговорностите на децата” и др.

Другата успешна форма за работа с родителите са  „Уикенд училищата“, в които деца, ученици и родители от ДГ „Пролетна дъга“- Шумен и  ОУ „Хр. Ботев“- с. Ивански имат съвместни занимания. Те с интерес и ентусиазъм участват в различни ателиета:  „Театрално изкуство“, „Сръчни ръце“,  „Ромски фолклор“ и „ Празници и обичаи“. Резултатът на тези занимания са не само знания и умения, способност за работа в екип, но и интересни изложби на майстореното от деца и родители, които бяха организирани в детската градина и училището.

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Активни образователни медиатори в Шумен


В района ни в Шумен от юни 2017 година активно работят трима образователни медиатори: двама са в Детска градина „Пролетна дъга“и филиала й -  гр. Шумен и един - в Основно училище „Хр. Ботев“- с. Ивански. И тримата бързо се утвърдиха като истински посредници между ромската общност от трите шуменски квартала „Еверест“, „Млада гвардия“ и „Витоша“ и с. Ивански и образователните институции.

Тримата правят индивидуални срещи с родители на деца и ученици  в задължителна предучилищна и училищна възраст, за да ги запишат в Детска градина и училище. Оказано бе съдействие и на ученици, завършили 7-ми клас в основното училище в с. Ивански да кандидатстват в осми клас в училища в Шумен. Всички успешно завършили седми клас ученици продължават образованието си в гимназия.

Образователните медиатори, както и доброволците преминаха през обучение по теми от пет модула: педагогика, психология, работа на терен, работа с родителите и начална компютърна грамотност.

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Здравен медиатор от общността – гаранция за успех


От април 2017 в с. Ивански в района на Програма ЗОВ в Шумен работи здравен медиатор. Ирина Илиева, жителка на селото, спечели конкурса, организиран по проекта. Преди да поеме работата, Ирина премина десетдневно обучение, организирано от Националната мрежа на здравните медиатори – София.

Ирина (46) е човек от ромската общност в село Ивански, завърнала се е от чужбина с амбиция да помогне за социалното включване на съселяните си. С желание, вещина и усет Ирина се вписа в екипа на проекта и активно работи на терен: за идентифицирането на конкретните проблеми на хората, разяснителни кампании по здравна култура, съдействие на нуждаещите се за равен достъп до здравни и социални услуги и помощ за хората от уязвимите групи в общуването им с институциите.  Една от амбициите на Ирина е да се пребори с ранните женитби, един сериозен проблем за ромската общност.

Двама медиатори-доброволци вече работят в Шумен, след като също преминаха обучение по проекта.

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Active educational work in the ZOV region of Shumen


In 2018, the repaired facilities in the main kindergarten “Proletna Daga” in Shumen and its branch were used at full speed making it possible for children to have extra classes, meetings with parents, and also use a whole new unit for 20 children aged 5-6. The new children in the kindergarten for this year are 10.

In the period January – June 2018, 30 children (from Ivanski and Shumen) had additional classes in Bulgarian language and 25 teachers from the 2 locations were trained in innovative teaching for vulnerable children.

200 children attended puppet shows and mixed with Bulgarian children and 116 children attended one-day trips to historic locations around Shumen.

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Shumen - Results EDUCATION


Number of children in kindergartens (3-6) in newly established groups under ZOV, including groups for Bulgarian lessons - 302

Number of pupils (1 - 4 grade) in newly established groups under ZOV - 239

Number of participants (children and parents) in events - theatre, cinema and other culture & sport events – 3 082

Number of children in extracurricular activities (children & parents clubs, green schools, trips, museums) – 1 398

Number of parents in campaigns and consultations on education – 381

Note: Data covers the period 2016 – 2018

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Медицински прегледи в Шумен


В района ни в Шумен през април 2017 започнаха планираните по проекта безплатни прегледи на млади жени и майки при общопрактикуващ лекар и АГ специалист.

„Опитваме се да помогнем на здравно неосигурени млади майки, бременни и млади семейства. Крайната ни цел е да се подобри здравният статус на уязвимите групи”, казва Людмила Андреева, координатор „Здравеопазване” в проекта.

В периода април-юни са организирани осем прегледа при общопрактикуващ лекар в ДКЦ1, партньор по проекта. Прегледани са:  млада жена и бременна, здравно осигурени  от гр. Шумен и общо 20 жени здравно неосигурени, от които 15  са бременни неосигурени и 5 млади  жени здравно неосигурени. Направени са изследвания на  15 бременни здравно неосигурени от гр. Шумен.

Прегледите при общопрактикуващ лекар продължат два пъти месечно до края на проекта през 2019 г. Планирани са безплатни профилактични прегледи за общо 300 жени и 150 деца до седемгодишна възраст.

Междувременно Семейно-консултативният център организира обучения и беседи в гр. Шумен  и с. Ивански на теми: обща здравна грамотност; подобряване на майчиното здраве и здравето на новороденото; ваксини и защо да ваксинираме децата; детска хигиена от 3 до 6 години; взаимоотношения в семейството и родителски умения. Центърът проведе и четири кампании в Шумен и с. Ивански по темите  „Здравето на децата зависи от нас“ и „Запази детската усмивка“.

Картографирането, което върви в района, открои няколко сериозни проблема: големият процент здравно неосигурени лица; повечето от хората са безработни или работят временно; има деца, които не посещават детска градина поради липса на доходи в семейството.

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Medical examinations in Shumen and Ivanski


In Shumen, the gynecological and general examinations have started since late 2017 and the ones in Ivanski began in April 2018 in the fully renovated and equipped health center.

For the period January-June 2018 the health campaigns covered 260 parents (as from the beginning of the project 915).

Only for the first six months of 2018, 103 patients passed general checkups, 104 women passed a gynecological consultation/check up and 67 children were examined by pediatricians and 52 packages for caring for the newly born were delivered to Roma families.

107 persons without health insurance had a medical examination organized by the ZOV Programme.

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Shumen - Results HEALTHCARE


Number of general medical exams carried out by GPs/paediatricians and screenings – 613

Number of specialised medical examinations, incl. gynaecological examinations – 252

Number of medical tests - incl. HIV, syphilis, PAP smear tests, blood tests for dog tapeworms – 85

Number of health consultations (health mediators) – 153

Number of intrauterine devices - 4

Number of beneficiaries of information campaigns and events, women and health support groups  - 1 783

Note: Data covers the period 2016 – 2018

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Empowerment and Culture

Баланс между училищните занимания и извънкласните форми


Първата половина на 2017 екипът в Шумен организира серия атрактивни извънкласни форми. 100 деца посетиха на театрални постановки и имаха незабравим ден в конезавода „Кабиюк“ край Шумен. 150 деца се насладиха на емоционално шоу за 1 юни – Ден на детето. Резултатът е много добър баланс между учебна и извънкласна дейност, спомагаща за обогатяване на познанията и формиране на социални умения у децата и учениците за общуване и поведение в среда, различна от ежедневната.

Над 500  души участваха Шумен и с. Ивански в отбелязването на 8 април, Гергьовден  и 24 май–Деня на славянската писменост и култура.

В събитията активно участваха медиаторите.

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Hristina Baeva

Team Leader

Chief expert in “School and Extracurricular Education” at the Department of Education, Science and Development in Shumen Municipality. Holder of pedagogical degree, of long professional experience in the field of organization, management and control of secondary-education activities. Works on a number of projects and programs.


Yordanka Dimitrova

Coordinator Education

Senior expert in “Preschool Education and Personal Development” at the Department of Education, Science and Development in Shumen Municipality. University graduate in Preschool Pedagogy and Public Administration; has rich experience in the field of preschool education and adolescent education.

Ludmila Andreeva

Healthcare Coordinator

Medical specialist at the Municipal Health Centre for Information, Consultancies and Education. Master in Psychology; social pedagogue. College-trained as Midwife. Has experience in the area of health education.

Snezhana Petkova

Administrator and PR

Secretary of the Municipal Council on the matters of drugs in the Municipal Health Centre for Information, Consultancies and Education. Master in Pedagogy; holds professional qualification in Journalism.

Hristina Hadzhidimitrova


Chief expert in “Budget and Human Resources” in the Department of Budget and Human Resources in Shumen Municipality. University graduate in Accounting and Auditing.

Vassilina Kancheva

Coordinator Public Procurement

Lawyer, registered with Shumen Law Chamber; provides legal services for Shumen Municipality under freelance contract.

Stoyan Stoyanov

Coordinator Construction

Specialist in Investment Control in the Department of Territorial Structure and Building Construction in Shumen Municipality. Has rich experience and knowledge in the area of maintenance, renovation and updating of facility interiors.

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Municipality of Shumen

Shumen Municipality works on several programmes and projects aiming at the improvement of life and social inclusion of various communities. Currently, the Municipality is implementing programmes for temporary employment, in which Roma and people from other vulnerable groups have been hired.

According to official data from the census of 2011, the District of Shumen has 180 528 residents of whom the Roma ethnic group is the third largest, preceded by the Bulgarian and Turk residents – 13, 847 individuals self-define themselves as Roma.

4042 residents of the Municipality of Shumen self-define themselves as Roma, according to informal data, however, their number is larger.

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Kindergarten “Proletna Daga”

Kindergarten “Proletna Daga” was opened in 1988 near to neighbourhoods of compact Roma population. The kindergarten has two branch groups in a facility situated at Severna Str. No. 16. The kindergarten hosts about 150 children from different communities aged between 3 and 6 years old. The teachers apply innovative approaches in their work with parents from different ethnic background.

The kindergarten has potential for the organizing of an additional group. In this way, new children will be integrated who have not attended kindergarten so far. The summer and weekend schools, the diverse extracurricular activities and the playground to be constructed in the school yard under ZOV Programme will contribute to the process of integration.

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Primary School “Hristo Botev”, Ivanski village

Its history dates 158 years back. The school hosts 156 children, mainly Roma, who are educated in all school grades from first to eighth. In ZOV, we’ll work with the students from the elementary school grades. 13 teachers will be engaged in the project.

The additional structure to the main building will be refurbished within the framework of ZOV. Three rooms will be constructed in such way as to be used as educational centre for the holding of “learning make-ups” and “weekend” schools, and also for activities with parents. The office of the teacher assistant will be situated in this facility as well.

A new additional structure will be built to the main school building; it will host children’s medical office and sanitary units.

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Shumen University “Konstantin Preslavski"

The University of Shumen “Episkop Konstantin Preslavski” was founded in 1971. It offers education in humanitarian, natural, mathematical, pedagogical and technical sciences.

Experts from the University will be engaged for the training of teachers from the kindergarten and “Hristo Botev” school in village Ivanski, and also for the training of teacher assistants and volunteers from the Roma community. Representatives from the Roma community will participate in the practical trainings intended for the teacher assistants.

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Healthcare Center - Shumen

Diagnostic and Consulting Centre No. 1 – Shumen EOOD is a medical institution situated in Shumen downtown and is specialised in outpatient care. It has specialized consulting rooms and laboratories. All specialists working in the Centre have contracts with the National Health Fund.

Under the project, the Centre will provide gynaecological examinations for women and pregnant women, and for young mothers with or without health insurances; the Centre will also provide immunizations and diagnostic for children in need of medical examination or other type of medical help.

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Family Consulting Centre - Shumen

The Family Consulting Centre in Shumen opened at the end of 2011 as a local activity of Shumen Municipality and functions with the financial and methodological support of UNICEF-Bulgaria. The Centre offers integrated socio-healthcare mobile service for vulnerable families with children in risk from the marginalized groups and the Roma communities.

Target groups of the Centre are the communities in risk who live in social isolation and extreme poverty, with special focus on the children in risk and their families.

The team of the Centre includes social workers and associates, a psychologist and a nurse.

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