Region Ruse

In the territory of Ruse Municipality, ZOV operates in two neighbourhoods within the city limits: Traktsiya and Selemetya, in the neighbouring village Bazan, as well as in Vetovo (incl. Senovo), Ivanovo and Borovo.
According to official data from the last census, there are 4687 Roma living in the four municipalities; expert estimates indicate, however, that this number is much larger. In Ruse, Roma live mainly in Selemetya and Traktsiya neighbourhoods alongside with other vulnerable groups experiencing the same hardships arising from a state of permanent unemployment and/or lack of education. The families are predominantly large and many of them live in very poor domestic environment. Their main income is provided by monthly social aids and child supplements. Some make a living from the collecting of recyclable garbage. The majority of parents in the neighbourhood are illiterate and permanently unemployed.

Village Bazan has compact communities of Turks and Roma. The village has no school and the local children commute to a collective school serving a number of places. There is a branch of a kindergarten which parent facility is in Ruse, but the unemployed mothers do not send their children there. Many families do not speak Bulgarian among themselves, which circumstance obstructs their children’s adaptation in school. The parents are poorly educated and poorly qualified. Illiteracy among them is being regenerated with each passing year.

Similar is the situation in Vetovo Municipality, some of which residents self-define themselves as Bulgarians of Turkish origin or as Millet (Roma of Muslim faith), or Burgudzhia (Roma of Christian faith). Many of their children, especially the girls, do not attend classes or drop out from school because of poverty and lack of motivation to study. The pupils of Roma origin are prevalent in the villages Ivanovo and Shtraklevo, accounting for 80 – 90% of all school children.

In Borovo Municipality Roma number 1000, which accounts for one sixths of all residents. Unemployment is high: 51% of the job seekers do not have special qualification and, out of them, Roma make 70%. Many Roma are permanently unemployed. Some seek temporary employment abroad and leave their children in the care of relatives for prolonged periods of time. Such children drop out from school after the first school grades and in this way they become predestined to unemployment. Early marriages, low-level sexual and health culture, people trafficking and criminality are not uncommon in this community.

Within the frame of the project, in Ruse Municipality we plan to organize two kindergarten groups studying half-day: at kindergartens Ralitsa and Chervenata Shapchitsa (the affiliated unit in village Bazan); these groups will cover a total of 30 children between three and five years old who do not attend kindergarten.

There is no general practitioner’s medical office in Traktsiya neighbourhood in Ruse. A large number of pregnant women are below legal age and do not see the doctor for maternity checkups. Two medical consulting rooms will be organized in the neighbourhood with the purpose to improve the access to healthcare: a GP’s office and an Obstetrics-and-Gynaecology consulting room.

The overall aim of the project is to improve the life of the marginalized and socially excluded communities, the focus being on Roma, and to create suitable conditions for their sustainable integration in the community. Our concerted effort is to bring more children to kindergartens and elementary schools, and to provide access to healthcare for the families.
Another focus of the project is the cultural integration and identity of the Roma community, their better acceptance by the society and more prominent Roma participation in the administration and civil society at a local level. The integrated approach calls for comprehensive work with the vulnerable groups in two major directions: health and education.
The total value of the project in Ruse Municipality is 2 458 983,77 BGN, of which the local government’s contribution is 47 213, 41 BGN.

The project started in June 2015. The implementation term for the activities is three years.

The local government of Ruse implements the project in partnership with three local governments: Ivanovo, Borovo and Vetovo, the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev,” Medical Centre “Medika Expert,” General Practitioners’ Association, “Centre Dinamika” Association, “Equilibrium” Association and Bulgarian-Romanian Cross-border Institute for Mediation.

Download the fact sheet about our work in Ruse
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1. Comprehensive inclusion of Roma children in the educational process in kindergartens, preschool classes and elementary schools. We work with two kindergartens and six primary schools. Under ZOV, 30 children are expected to start kindergarten classes and 1171 are expected to go to school.

  •    Organizing of half-day classes for children aged between three and five years. The classes will be held according to specially developed teacher guide for working with children and their mothers. The classes will be held in the renovated rooms of full-day kindergarten “Ralitsa” in Ruse and its affiliated unit “Chervenata Shapchitsa” in village Bazan.
  •      Opening of a cash fund in Ruse and Ivanovo municipalities, assigned to annually provide assistance for up to 50 socially disadvantaged families whose children do not attend mandatory classes in kindergarten and school.
  •      Improvement the efficiency of early language training for Roma children aged between three and five years. Twenty teachers will be trained to apply new methods of teaching Bulgarian to children for whom it is not mother tongue. 
  •     Throughout the three project years, each year will offer four half-day and full-day excursions as a minimum, as well as visits to theatres, museums and the cinema.
  •     A Roma mediator will start work in full-day kindergarten “Ralitsa” in Ruse.
  •     Full-day kindergarten “Ralitsa” in Ruse and its affiliated unit “Chervenata Shapchitsa” in Bazan will have renovated and furnished rooms.

2. Conducting of consultancies with Roma parents to motivate them for sending their children to kindergarten and school. Opening of consulting offices in the six schools included in the project and mobile work on site. Educational mediators will identify the children in risk from dropping out from school through specially organized campaigns of the “Door to door” type. It is expected that the parents will start to visit the consulting office in the nearby schools where they’ll be given advice and assistance.

  •     Weekly events for parents and children teamed in clubs by interests, conducted under the guidance of experienced professionals. Three permanent groups will be organized (two in Primary School “Aleko Konstantinov” and one in Primary School “Bratya Miladinovi”).
  •     Organizing of summer schools and summer camps for at least 100 Roma children in risk of dropping out from school.
  •     “Second chance” programme that will cover at least 20 Roma children who have dropped out from school.
  •     Introducing of classes on healthcare and sexual education in schools and educating of 660 pupils by the “peer to peer” method in Ruse Municipality and in the territories of the partnering local governments.
  •     Covering of at least 500 children in the information campaigns for the prevention of human trafficking.
  •     Engaging of teacher assistant of Roma origin in Primary School “Aleko Konstantinov” in Ruse and of seven school mediators of Roma origin.
  •     Refurbishment and equipping of two classrooms in Primary School “Bratya Miladinovi” and Primary School “Aleko Konstantinov” in Ruse.

3. Raising the professional capacity of the teachers for work in multicultural and multiethnic environment:

  •     Multi-modular education for 170 teaching specialists from the educational institutions in the partner municipalities;
  •     Trained 30 pedagogical specialists for the introduction of health and sexual awareness classes in schools.


 We work to assure better accessibility for the Roma and other groups in risk through the providing of information, consultancies, accompanying of patients for their preventive medical examinations and improvement of health awareness:

    Extension the capacity of Nursery No. 6 in Ruse through the organizing of two new nursery groups for 30 children who will be brought up in the refurbished environment of the Mother and Child Home in Ruse. The conditions for admission in the Nursery will be explained in a specially organized campaign and the parents will be assisted with the submission of enrolment documents for their children.

    A total of 25 first-aid and emergency medics will be trained for work with Roma and socially vulnerable groups.

    Mobile work for consulting and explaining the necessity for family planning; working with a total of 1300 representatives from the Roma community.

    One-week annual information campaigns on the topic of reproductive health.

     Providing of outpatient and specialized aid for 2700 individuals without health insurances.

    Four consulting rooms for medical care deployed in the partner municipalities.

    Six health mediators of Roma origin – selected, trained and appointed in the partner municipalities.



    Strengthening the cultural integration and identity of the Roma community:

  • Organizing of annual “Stage under the Sky” festival dedicated to the 8th of April – The International Roma Day – in the four municipalities where ZOV works. 
  • Annual festival “Ethnic Rhythms without Borders.”
  •  Annual exhibition and bazaar with the traditional meals of the various ethnic groups.

       2. Improved social acceptance of Roma and more intensive Roma participation at a local level:

  •     Municipal employees from the local governments in Ivanovo, Vetovo and Borovo will pass training for work in multicultural and multiethnic environment.
  •     Public Consultancy Councils on Roma Matters will be organized in the municipalities Ivanovo, Vetovo and Borovo.

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Нов модел за овладяване на български от деца-билингви


Нов модел за овладяване на български от деца-билингви

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Приемни за консултации на родители роми в Русе


Приемни за консултации на родители роми в Русе

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Ремонти на детски градини в Русе


Ремонти на детски градини в Русе

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Информационни кампании за трафик на хора сред уязвимите групи в Русе


Информационни кампании за трафик на хора сред уязвимите групи в Русе

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Клубове „Родител-дете“ в Русе имат всяка седмица занимания


Клубове „Родител-дете“ в Русе имат всяка седмица занимания

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Hundreds of parents in Ruse involved in joint extracurricular activties with their children


In the period January – June 2018, 609 parents were engaged in joint extracurricular activities, motivational meetings and anti-trafficking campaigns.

47 children in preschool age received additional schooling in Bulgarian language.

29 teachers participated in a pedagogical training for working with pre-school children multi-cultural environment, which has been organized by the ZOV Programme.

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Ruse - Results EDUCATION


Number of children in kindergartens (3-6) in newly established groups under ZOV, including groups for Bulgarian lessons - 177

Number of pupils (1 - 4 grade) in newly established groups under ZOV - 970

Number of participants (children and parents) in events - theatre, cinema and other culture & sport events – 410

Number of children in extracurricular activities (children & parents clubs, green schools, trips, museums) – 740

Number of parents in campaigns and consultations on education – 736

Note: Data covers the period 2016 – 2018

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Обучения на лекари от Спешна помощ в Русе



Обучения за лекари от Спешна помощ в Русе.

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Две нови яслени групи в Детска ясла № 6 в гр. Русе


Две нови яслени групи в Детска ясла № 6 в гр. Русе

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Скрининги на деца от района ни в Русе


Скрининги на деца от района ни в Русе

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Medical checks in ZOV region of Ruse


In the period January – June 2018, the partners Medika and the Association of General Practitioners’ continue with their activities – 959 general examinations, 70 gynecological examinations and 524 screenings (in 4 schools) were completed for the reporting period.

459 Roma participated in campaigns on prevention of early birth and abortions, and 570 people were engaged in campaigns to prevent trafficking by the Ruse partnering organizations Dynamika and BRTIM.

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Number of general medical exams carried out by GPs/paediatricians and screenings – 9 356

Number of specialised medical examinations, incl. gynaecological examinations – 483

Number of intrauterine devices - 38

Number of beneficiaries of information campaigns and events, women and health support groups  - 3 191

Note: Data covers the period 2016 – 2018

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Daniela Shilkova

Project manager

Заместник-кмет на Община Русе. Има висше юридическо образование и професионален опит в сферата на правните и административни науки. От ноември 2011 е зам.-кмет по „Икономика, инвестиции и собственост” на Община Русе. Преди това е била главен секретар в Областна администрация - Русе, началник отдел в Областна администрация - Русе, старши юрисконсулт в Община Русе.

Mariela Licheva

Project coordinator

Директор на дирекция „Здравни и социални дейности“ в Община Русе. Магистър по финанси като притежава и висше образование по специалността „Социална педагогика“ и специалист по Акушерство и гинекология. Защитила е следдипломна квалификация по Здравен и социален мениджмънт. Притежава професионален опит в сферата както на здравеопазването, така и на социалните дейности.  

Emilia Lazarova

Chief accountant of the project

Главен счетоводител в Обединено счетоводство „Социални дейности”  при Община Русе от 2003 г. до момента.  Ръководи и организира счетоводната отчетност на финансово-стопанската дейност на социалните услуги в Община Русе.

Elka Chavdarova

Operational accountant of the project

Оперативен счетоводител в Обeдинено счетоводство „Социални дейности“ при Община Русе.

Iskren Iliev

Legal expert

Юрист на Общински съвет Русе. Има висше юридическо образование. Работил е в Дирекция инспекция по труда - Русе и Община Русе.

В рамките на проекта подпомага  разработване на необходимата документация и процедури за провеждане на обществените поръчки, избор на изпълнител  и външни услуги, както и разработване на всички договори в рамките на проекта.

Yordanka Boyadzhieva

Ezpert on construction

Главен специалист в дирекция „Устройство на територията“ в Община Русе. Участва в комисията за избор на изпълнител на строителството на обектите, изграждани в рамките на проекта.

Maia Petrova

Technical assistant

Главен експерт „Стопански дейности и защита на потребителя“ в Община Русе. Г-жа Петрова е магистър „Индустриален мениджмънт“. Целият й професионален опит е преминал в Община Русе. От 1999 до момента е заемала различни административни позиции като последната е главен експерт в отдел „СДЗП“.

Nevena Encheva

Technical assistant

Старши специалист в отдел „Гражданско състояние“, бакалавър по „Икономика на туризма“. В проекта подпомага членовете на екипа при оформяне и изготвяне на документация, свързана с тяхната работа и отчетност.

Darina Doncheva

Coordinator of Ivanovo Municipality

Старши експерт „Общинска собственост“ в Община Иваново.

Semra Idirizova

Coordinator of Vetovo Municipality

Младши експерт „Здравеопазване, социална дейност, младежка дейност и спорт“ към Община Ветово.

Diana Stoycheva

Coordinator of Borovo Municipality

Senior teacher at the Vocational School of Agriculture in the town of Dve Mogili.

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Municipality of Russe

Municipality of  Russe

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Medical Centre "Medika Expert"

Медицински център "МЕДИКА ЕКСПЕРТ” е специализирано лечебно заведение за извънболнична помощ. Има изградени центрове по физикална и рехабилитационна медицина в градовете Русе и Борово, както и няколкоуспешно разработени възстановителни центрове в Русе.

По проекта на ЗОВ центърът ще осигури квалифицирани професионалисти със специалности: офталмология, акушерство и гинекология, педиатрия, физиотерапия и рехабилитация. Специалистите по офталмология, педиатрия, физиотерапия и рехабилитация ще направят скринингови изследвания за белодробни и очни заболявания, и гръбначни изкривявания на ученици от първи до четвърти  клас.

Чрез здравните медиатори специалистите в областта на акушерството и гинекологията ще работят по превенция и профилактика в четири нови акушеро-гинекологични амбулатории.

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Ivanovo Municipality

Ivanovo Municipality

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Borovo Municipality

Borovo Municipality

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Vetovo Municipality

Vetovo Municipality

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Association "Bulgarian-Romanian Trans-border Mediation Institute" (BRTMI)

The Association is established in 2009 as a public benefit non-profit organization. BRTMI works to bring together the people, communities and economies of Bulgaria and Romania, and to contribute through cross-border cooperation in civil matters to the sustainable socio-economic development of the border region.

The association aims to promote the resolution of social, inter-community, business, interpersonal and other conflicts by legal means and in a peaceful manner. It strives to develop and propose innovative methods of conflict resolution that are based on mediation and are in compliance with contemporary European and international practice.

The association offers training in innovative ways for solving various conflicts based on mediation, and encourages cross-border exchange of information and mutual assistance in resolving problematic issues.  BRTMI endorses research and legislative change that contribute to more efficient conflict resolution and to the prevention of potential social, inter-community, business, interpersonal and other conflicts.

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Association Equilibrium

Association Equilibrium

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Сдружение „Център Динамика”

Сдружение „Център Динамика” е учредено 2009 година. Мисията му да оказва  психо-социална подкрепа, правна помощ и консултиране на уязвими групи от общността за постигане на равнопоставеност.

В рамките на ЗОВ сдружението е ангажирано с обучение на педагогическите специалисти за въвеждане на часове по здравно и сексуално образование в училищата; с тренинг-обучения по метода „Връстници обучават връстници”; с информационни кампании за разясняване на рискове от трафик на бебета и ромски момичета с цел сексуална експлоатация и с кампании за разясняване на рисковете от ранните раждания, аборти и необходимостта от контрацепция.

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"Angel Kanchev" University

"Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse has been established in 1945.

Around 10 000 students and doctoral degree students study in state-of-the-art study halls and research laboratories. The teaching staff consists of 499 highly qualified full-time lecturers, of whom 49 professors.

There are 20 professional fields which have been granted programme accreditation in the following areas of higher education: Educational Studies; Social, Economic and Law studies; Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics; Technical Studies; Healthcare, Social Activities and Sports.

Annually, the University offers about 80 Master degree courses and 43 PhD courses.  

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Association of General Practitioners

Association of General Practitioners is partner in the project, implemented in the Municipality of Ruse within the ZOV Programme.

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