Medical examinations in Montana
More than 450 GP’s consultations and 380 gynecological exams were performed for the first 6 months of 2018. 362 children were examined by pediatricians, 65 newborn children were visited and 45 immunizations performed. 430 health informational leaflets were distributed to the community.
For the reporting period the ZOV health mediators in the Montana region have worked on 28 individual cases. Of these, 8 are of a social nature and 20 are of health nature.
In June 2018, the campaign on health insurance "Make it Now! Health is happiness!" was launched by the local ZOV team. The purpose of the campaign is to motivate people to regularly make their health insurance, learn about the benefits of health insurance, learn how to monitor whether their employer carries out health insurance and act accordingly. The campaign aims to provoke people to become responsible for their own health and the health of their children.