Концерти, изложби и състезания насърчат децата от ромската общност



Районът по ЗОВ в Монтана отбеляза 8 април 2017 - Международния ден на ромите с пъстър концерт, в чиято програма бяха вплетени традиционни ромски и ориенталски танци, латино и брейк денс, детски и поп песни. На сцената се изявиха деца, подготвени в извънкласните форми по Програма ЗОВ. В рамките на честването в Драматичния театър в града бе организирана изложба на фотографии и рисунки на деца, които имат извънкласни занимания по ЗОВ.

Изпълнен с емоции бе и концертът на малчуганите от детска градина “Слънце” в с. Габровница за първа пролет.

В района редовно се организират спортни състезания, основно по футбол. През 2017 имаше и едно вкусно състезание: за най-вкусна баница в монтанските квартали „Огоста“ и „Кошарник“.

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Exhibition of Roma posters in Sliven


On 7 Pril 2016, the exhibition of posters "8 April - International Romani Day" was opened in the municipal gallery "May" in Sliven. Tashko Popov, teacher in “Dimitar Dombrovich” National High School for Arts in Sliven presented the exhibition.

The exhibition included 13 thematic posters dedicated to the International Roma Day. Amongst the participants were Sliven-born artist Aleksandar Zahariev, Nikolay Stoychev, Diyan Dankov, Orlin Orlinov and Plamen Kovachev. The Sliven Quartet performed in the official ceremony for the opening of the exhibition.

On the 8th of April, in the esteemed presence of His Eminence Yoanikiy, Bishop of Sliven, a ceremony of flower giving was organized on the banks of Asenovska River to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust.

Karandila Band had an open-air concert performed in front of the Military Club in Sliven. These events made part of the two-day programme of Association “Roma Academy for Culture and Education” (RACO), to celebrate the International Roma Day.

Roma in Sliven celebrated Hederlezi


On the 7th of May, ethnic Roma from Sliven gathered in Hrani Pole vicinity in the area of Sliven Spas to celebrate Hederlezi (St. George’s Day). The event was organized by Association “Roma Academy for Culture and Education,” a local partner of ZOV.

Deputy-mayor Stoyan Markov greeted the attendants and extended his good wishes to the Roma community to keep their traditions.

The celebrations continued with a concert of Karandila Band, wrestling contest, rope jumping and running, contest for most beautiful horse-driven cart and horse, and dancing contest. The winning contestants received prizes.