“From door to door” gains speed in Sliven
The team of Association “Roma Academy for Culture and Education” (RACO) – ZOV local partner in Sliven – works every day with the families in Nadezhda: the team members talk with them, provide information on various matters and motivate the parents to enrol their children in the new kindergarten once it is finished and inaugurated. The visits are from street to street and from door to door. Information about the social and economic standing of the families is gathered through questionnaires, the purpose being to specify families’ needs.
According to the 250 questionnaires filled-in so far, 92% of the interviewed mothers are above 18 years old; of them, 45% are over 23 years old. It was established that 51% of the interviewed parents have one child and 38% have two children. Only 2% (five families) have more than three children.
Many parents share that they live in hard times and prefer to have one or two children, so that they can provide them with quality care and good education. Some of the parents share that they have difficulties in finding employment because they are undereducated and under-qualified (58% of the mothers have elementary education and 36% have primary education); that is why they want to provide better education for their children.