Construction of a comprehensive childcare facility (ODZ) in Sliven
After a prolonged public-procurement process, investment planning and negotiations for the locating of a new comprehensive childcare facility in Nadezhda neighbourhood, in September 2016 the local government of Sliven launched the construction works. Apart from a nursery and kindergarten, the facility will host a Health Consulting Centre and Culture Educational Centre. In this way, the Roma will be provided with access to education and healthcare, and a place for the organizing of meetings and a diversity of other events, all in a single spot.
The building is of total area 2326 sq.m. and is in immediate proximity to the Administrative Service Centre in Nadezhda. The construction works are implemented by Stroy Group and will cost 1 249 564,08 BGN. The contractor has been selected through a bid of tenders organized under the Public Procurement Act. The nursery section of the United Childcare Facility will cover 32 children organized in two groups while the kindergarten will educate 120 children organized in four groups. The facility will have classrooms, a music room and a gym.
The Health Consultancy Unit will have three medical consulting rooms: gynaecological, paediatric and GP’s. This facility will provide healthcare for the neighbourhood residents.
The Culture Educational Centre will be organized in two rooms: an information centre for work with the Roma community in Nadezhda and a multi-purpose room for group events.